
Our Interim Pastors

Pastor Sharon F. Stonerock

“Getting to know you, getting to know all about you. . .”  Perhaps you remember those words from a song in “The King and I.”  In the days ahead, I’m looking forward to getting know you as I serve as your transitional pastor along with Pr. Marge.

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Pastor Sharon Fahncke Stonerock.  Celina, Ohio is my hometown and where I lived during my last 2 interims before retiring.  My son Aaron and daughter-in-law Laura near Columbus, Ohio.  Aaron does computer stuff for an insurance company and Laura is a pharmacist.  They are the proud and busy parents of 4 sons (3 of them are teenagers) and 2 daughters. I hope they will be able to come to visit me now that my year around home is in New Port Richey. My sister Barb lives in Florence, KY, with her husband.  They are both retired.

After graduating from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in 1992, Trinity Lutheran in Jeromesville, Ohio was my first call as an ordained pastor.  While in that call, the bishop encouraged me to be part of the first regional training to serve as intentional interims (now called transitional pastor.) In 1997 I moved to the Northwestern Ohio Synod to serve at Salem Lutheran near Pemberville.  I served at First St. John Lutheran, Toledo, before serving as an interim at St. Marks in Van Wert.  At the beginning of 2005 I began an interim at Providence Lutheran, Toledo, where I served for a year and four months.  Beginning 2006 I did an interim serving two congregations that are quite different from each other.  Lutheran Church of the Master and Zoar Lutheran are both in Perrysburg, a Toledo suburb.  I served 1/3 at Zoar (as the associate pastor) and 2/3 at LCM. 

My first academic degree is in Home Economics Education from The Ohio State University.  I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Western Samoa (South Pacific) immediately after graduating from OSU.  I have been an extension agent in Ohio and Florida; a pre-K teacher in Freeport, Grand Bahama; a church secretary; sewing instructor; choir director; IRA/Keogh Administrator; and various other occupations as we moved with my husband’s various jobs.  While in Findlay it became apparent that none of those were what God intended me to do.  My experiences as a member at Trinity in Findlay sharpened the focus of how to use the gifts God has given me.  It was a humbling and energizing time.

Sewing, quilting, reading, playing dulcimer, walking, and biking are among the activities I enjoy.  Choirs and music have played an important role in my life from my earliest years. I sing any part except bass. In public, the only instrument I play comfortably is the bass dulcimer.

One of the first questions I have heard in each congregation has been, “What do we call you?”  I have found it is hard for children to say pastor and Stonerock together, so since my name has been Sharon all my life, please feel free to call me either Pastor Sharon or Sharon.

In the days ahead it will be helpful if you remind me of your name and family connections as we get to know each other and walk together on the journey of faith in our risen Lord and Savior who knows us wherever we are.Peace,

Pastor Sharon

Pastor Marjorie J Neal

Pastor Marjorie J Neal

Called to Spirit of Grace Lutheran Church as interim/transitional pastor, Pastor Marge received her Master of Divinity from the Lutheran Theological Seminary of Gettysburg and a Masters of Sacred Theology from the Lutheran Theological Seminary of Philadelphia and has received certification for Interim Ministry.  She received her under-graduate degree in psychology from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.  Prior to attending seminary, Pastor Marge lived in Northern Virginia for twenty years.  While residing in Virginia, she had been employed by the Navy Department for Officers’ Promotions and Retirements; Foreign Military Sales; and then last worked for the law firm of Szabo, Quinto, Zelnick, and Erickson, P.C.

Prior to retiring April of 2016, she served two parishes in the Philadelphia area of Pennsylvania.  The last one was St. Michael’s, a one hundred forty five year-old church, located in the Kensington area of Philadelphia. Pastor Marge was also a Police Chaplain for the 26th District Police Department.

Some of Pastor Marge’s interests in pastoral care and spirituality have led her to become trained as a Labyrinth Facilitator, receive certification in administering the Prepare/Enrich Program, teaching the PAIRs Programs, Relationship Enhancement Program, as well as offering spiritual direction and meditation classes.  She is also experienced in designing and facilitating retreats for confirmands, women, men, and church councils.

Pastor Marge is remarried and her husband, Jim Neal, is also a pastor in the United Church of Christ who is currently serving as an interim at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Port Richey.  Between the two of them they have five children, ranging in age from thirty-four to forty-five and enjoy spoiling their seven grandchildren.  Pastor Marge and Jim are currently residents of the Hudson area of Florida where they purchased a fixer-upper.

Our Administrator

Erik Reisner