Graceful Seniors
Graceful Seniors
The Graceful Seniors is a social group for those disciples who are in their senior years, though all programs, gatherings and trips are open to anyone. The Senior Committee looks forward to getting back on track as the pandemic fades.
Brunch Saturdays. . . maybe making a return!
What is “Brunch Saturday”? It is a popular program developed by the Graceful Seniors Planning Committee that met on the Third Saturday of every month at the Hudson Campus starting at 11:00 am, unless otherwise noted, with brunch for a donation and conversation plus a program. Although tailored for Seniors, everyone is invited to attend. You are encouraged to bring your friends and neighbors.
Field Trips
The seniors do several trips throughout the year. Many times hiring a bus or carpooling.
See our Newsletter for the most up-to-date schedule. All programs are open to all disciples and guests of Spirit of Grace.